
Showing posts from January, 2018

Radical Acts of Kindness

"Only connect." - E.M. Forster Put down your smart phone and make eye contact. Person to person.  Nowadays, I consider that a major acts of kindness and courtesy.

What did you do to save the world today?

  Be a Good in the World Take stock of your day-to-day life. Are you giving to others or is a little out of balance where your work, your immediately family gets 99% of what you offer the world?  You can change that in one day. Donate more of your time or money to a charity. Supporting a cause will help keep you informed about social issues and can strengthen your sense of well being while benefitting others in the process 

Random Acts of Love

Think about how you can create little moments of happiness for others. Helping a friend plant her garden, buying an extra coffee for your coworker, paying the toll for the car behind you on the bridge, even taking your kids to a movie.  All those little things can add up to BIG joy